Our instrument range is from portable flue gas analysers, thermal imager, for various applications in oil & gas, cement, iron & steel industries, to portable multifunction measuring instruments, temperature, humidity dataloggers, dew point analysers & transmitters that finds their importance in critical applications in food & beverages, pharmaceutical corn ponies, cold storages etc.
Automate provides an entire range of flue gas analyser ranging from 1 gas to 6 gases at the same time. Testo flue gas anal ysers can analyse as many as 6 gases at a time.
The gases that it can measure are 02, CO. C02, H2S, SO2, NO, NO, unburnt HC. The instrument is quite handy and comes with in-built pump to suck the sample from the stack. Other range of products that we can offer for the industries like Pharmaceuticals, Cold storage and companies where controlled environment is prerequisite, and parameters like humidity and temperature are very critical. Now we cover wide Range of Industries & Application’s needs.
Industry Sector: Measurement Parameter :
- Heating and Installation
- Emission
- Refrigeration Engineering
- Ambient air quality
- Air Conditioning and Ventilation
- Analysis
- Emission, Service & Thermal
- Humidity
- Multi Function
- Food Sector
- Pressure
- Stationary Measurement
- Temperature
- velocity
- Multi Function
- Food Sector
- Pressure
- Stationary Measurement
- Temperature
- Velocity
- Multi Function
- Food Sector
- Pressure
- Stationary Measurement
- Temperature
- Velocity